Where a Man can be a Man and not told to Shut Up!

Posts tagged “work

First Day Back

Well it’s my first day back to work in a week and my first 4 day trip in like 2 and a half months. I have to show at 8:10 am but I wanted to get a workout in before work. I set my alarm for 4am and only pressed snooze 1 time. Since I got my new mountain bike I have been neglecting to gym and boy did I feel that.
I did a full body workout which kills me. I like split routines but generally don’t lift enough to do them. I got a long day ahead of me but feeling good now that I started my day off right.

Stress! and Fotoshop the Perfect Body

This week has been awesome. I am finally based where I live. I used to have to work out of Denver. I used to have to leave my house about 6 hours before work and then when I was finished try to fly home. Now I am based in Phoenix and drive 30 minutes. Even better I was on reserve 4 days this week and didn’t get called so I got paid to workout and have fun. This will all be great until I get my first check and it is much lower that before.

It is really hard to have a job where you are not on salary. Each month is different. In general my job is fairly consistent but others are not. I used to be a Personal Trainer and the fluctuation in pay was huge. The more the fluctuation the more stress. This was a big reason my wife got out of Personal Training too. Of coarse commission based jobs tend to make you work harder but the stress is a lot more.

I know I could never have another commission based job. I would rather make slightly less and have consistency. These jobs also create a lot of stress at home with the family. You can plan for bad months once in a while but what about bad economies?  Reducing stress will improve your life. Money is great but at what cost. I would take less money and less stress any day. High stress jobs will make you sick and then you will spend your money and free time in the hospital anyway.

What I am getting at is this year is a great time to lower your stress levels. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to move up and get ahead but always remember to take care of yourself and try to make each day better and have less stress.  I know much easier said than done!

Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and fight depression.  When I was at one of the lowest points in my life I decided to train for Ironman Canada and what an amazing difference it made in the way I felt.  Get outside and get your Vitamin D.  Sunshine not only helps with depression but also prevents illness due to low vitamin D levels.  I have also included a video to help you look your best fast and relieve the stress from weight issues.  Enjoy


Fotoshop by Adobé from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.