Where a Man can be a Man and not told to Shut Up!

Posts tagged “baldwin

Alec Baldwin a Pilots Point of View

Alec Baldwin refused to turn off his phone on an American Airlines flight because he was playing “Words with Friends”.  That’s understandable because you know sometime you are so focused on trying to put the letters in every combination until you finally make a word that no one has ever heard of.  It was so bad that the plane went back to the gate and they kicked him off.  I am so proud of the Captain and Flight Attendants!  Just because you are a star doesn’t mean you can break the rules. When I first saw the SNL skit I did think it was funny.  That being said after thinking about it, he basically said “I am Alec Baldwin and I don’t need to follow rules”.  He feels he is so important that rules and even laws DON NOT APPLY.  It really doesn’t matter if the cellphone rule is valid or not.  It is a rule and just because you sit in first class does not change the rule.  He is actually going to make money for not following the rules.  Freaking Amazing!  Alec your your an asshole.

I'm am a jackass!!!